ADVENT 2021 | Advent Study Guide | Resources

The digital copy of the Advent Guide, as well as the resources mentioned in the guide, are listed below.  Click on the links under each week to access the resources.

If you would like to use the digital copy of the Advent Guide, we have divided it into weeks with links in the PDF file for you to directly access each resource.

Snowflake icon representing resources in study guide.
Scroll down below to find the active links.

Digital Version | Table of Contents

Preparing for Advent Resources

Below are the resources listed in the study guide for ideas to prepare in advance of the start of Advent.

Advent Calendar

Calendar idea so the children can count down the days.

2021 Advent Calendar for your computer

Jacquie Lawson 2021 Advent Calendar - a fun and beautiful way to engage the family on a day-to-day basis

Nativity Manger Scene

Manger scene idea that can be handled and played with by children.

Week 2 Resources

"The Arrival"

Listen to a Song together

Week 3 Resources

"The Announcement"

Christmas Eve Resources

"The Plan"

Songs for Christmas Eve

Week 5 Resources

"There's More To Come"